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Roy Westbrook – The Power of Prayer and Fasting

What should I expect when I get there?
Whether it is greeting you with an open door and a smile, or handing you a welcome brochure, the Hospitality Team is always there to make you feel welcome.
We’re a very people-friendly, Bible-based church and we try to meet the needs of our guests. We offer a lot of teaching, training and Bible Studies.  At The Sanctuary Church you will experience bible-based salvation!


We provide information and assistance
Our Greeters know where each class is located, where you can find the restrooms and who on staff can help you with any questions  you might have.


Where do my children go?
Our nursery provides supervised care during all worship services for infants and toddlers age six months to two years of age. We have a variety of activities and toys to make their time with us as pleasant as possible.

Children’s Church and Sunday School is devoted specifically to ages 3-12. The curriculum we use allows us to do a variety of activities as skits, object lessons, science demonstrations and games. These hands-on lessons allow the children to get involved and take an active part in learning.

The Sunday School vision is to provide a solid foundation education in the apostolic doctrine and biblical principles.


What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing. You’ll fit in no matter how you dress!


How do I get to The Sanctuary?
click here for directions


Sunday   10 AM Classes and 11 AM Worship
Wednesday  7:00 PM


Each service here you’ll find a vibrant multicultural atmosphere with exciting, contemporary worship music and a powerful message that will speak to you where you are at. On Sunday mornings, children are well-cared for in fun-filled Sunday School classrooms.


If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a while—and that’s fine with us! Come in, enjoy the worship and preaching, and see if this is the church for you.


You’ll find everything from jeans and casual, to dressy at our Sunday Morning Service. Come in what is comfortable for you, we’re just happy you’re here.


There are many ways to get involved. You can begin by attending Sunday school classes. There are also plenty of age and interest based groups happening each week. In these, you can build friendships, learn more about the life of our church, and have the opportunity to grow in your faith.


Our desire is to see you make the absolute most out of your Christian journey. We offer the environment, relationships and resources necessary to make that possible for you and your family. From the initial decision to learn more about who Jesus is to your involvement in life-changing ministry, we will lead you step-by-step from healing to growth and into leadership. Begin the process at our next Foundations class and continue in the Life Keys classes.

El Santuario Iglesia Apostólica y Pentecostal es una iglesia ubicada en la ciudad de Bessemer, Alabama, que hace una diferencia espiritual en la vidas de la gente aquí.

Se puede llamarnos o mandarnos un mensaje de texto para mas información.  Hermano Ernesto Zavala – 770-318-0415



Acerca de Nosotros

La visión de “El Santuario Iglesia Apostólica y Pentecostal” nació por la gran necesidad en Birmingham de iglesias hispanas que predican la palabra verdadera de Dios.

En estos postreros días, no hay muchos que creen en el bautismo del Espíritu Santo, un Dios, el bautismo en el nombre de Jesucristo, el amor verdadero, la gracia de Dios, los dones del Espíritu Santo y la santidad.  Nuestro deseo es que El Santuario sea un lugar seguro en la ciudad de Bessemer (y los ciudades alrededor) para nosotros, nuestras familias, y nuestros amigos.

Conectar con Nosotros en Facebook

¡Estamos en Facebook!  Síganos para ver fotos, leer estudios bíblicos y conectar con nosotros.  Por favor, “like us” en Facebook.

Un Familia

Un testimonio que oímos mucho acerca de nuestra iglesia es que somos una iglesia muy amable y cariñosa.  A nosotros no nos importan la ropa, el dinero ni el tipo de carro que tenga.  Somos un familia de creyentes y sólo anhelamos más de Dios y más de Su Espíritu.

Amamos la vida y creemos que en Cristo Jesús, podemos vivir una vida con más propósito y con más gozo, sin pecado y sin condenación – por medio del Espíritu Santo.


More sermons coming soon!

Proceeds go to help cover the costs of our Media Ministry and Outreach Department.

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See what others are saying about The Sanctuary!

I was in a place of brokenness and felt completely alone, but the very first service I attended I experienced God's healing power and strength. The Sanctuary became my place of refuge and strength. I'm proud to call it "home."

Kim A.   

I was a young person searching for peace, coming from a broken home and struggling with purpose and self-worth. The Sanctuary family embraced me and helped grow and develop me into the woman I am today. The power and presence of God is demonstrated in every service, through anointed praise, worship, and the preaching of the of the TRUE word of God.

Tori J.   

My family has truly been blessed to be a part of the Sanctuary. The inclusive family atmosphere has made us feel at home since our first visit. The family-focused ministries reach everyone no matter your age or experience.

Matt D.   

One thing I loved about this church (and still love) is the friendly, loving and kind people that attend here. I was invited by Elijah and Mrs. Williams. The presence of God was so evident and strong. I wanted to learn more about God and how to live for him. That's exactly what I learned and still am learning.
I also love the presence of God I feel here; it's indescribable. When I come here, I feel like I can give all my burdens to Jesus, and when I leave I feel refreshed and ready to tell other people about God.

George M.   

First, I really love the great music. It really has an anointing that I haven't felt anywhere else. The presence of God was so strong! Second, I love the great hospitality. Everyone made me feel at home. I felt welcomed and wanted.

Ellie W.   

I was broken and lonely looking for something. With no place to go, a friend took me in and led me to the Sanctuary. Here I've found all I was looking for. I love the family atmosphere. The presence of God truly dwells in this place.

Mary D.   

I enjoyed the diversity and the unity. It appeared that everyone was of one mind and spirit - to love and worship God. The preaching was very inspirational and rightly divided, and you could feel the divine presence of God.

Eric M.   

This church has been a true sanctuary for me. God is so real and true. Our pastor is a man after God's heart. He brings the word in a way that you know heaven is the only place you want to be.

Mary J.   

When I first came to the Sanctuary, I loved all of the friendly people who were eager to get to know me. I keep coming back because I love the people, the music and the preaching!

Jasmine C.   

I love the fact that our church has the freedom to worship, praise, pray and sing during services. I keep coming back to the Sanctuary because the spiritual table is always spread and the feast of the Lord is going on. I want my parents to be saved.

Author *Johnny J.   

The Sanctuary has provided me with love, true friendship, healing and much more! God knew where my husband & I needed to be at this time of our lives..we followed His guidance one year ago & have been blessed since! I am so thankful for a pastor, pastor's wife & brothers and sisters who truly love you and have no problem expressing their love. I'm humbled to be a part of this Godly church!

Author *Betty Day   

Upon an invite from a college classmate, we visited the Sanctuary. After that first visit, we wanted to come back because of the friendliness and the welcome of the people. Sis. Jasmine connected with my then girlfriend - now wife. Bro. Jones Sr. and Bro. Roy impacted me and my boys.

Dewey P.   

The Sanctuary just felt right. And I love Pastor and Sister Bertram. And everyone here is kind.

Brian W. (12 years old)   

I love the atmosphere, the teaching, the people, the great moves of God's Spirit and the friendship. It is beautiful to learn more of God and more of the important.
Our young people are so beautiful in this world because of this truth.

Barbara P.   

The messages that are preached are food for the soul. Our pastor is truly called of God. He delivers what God has to tell us. This is now my church. Fall in love with God.

Joe P.   

The people are so friendly here. You can tell that the people that attend love God and love to worship in Spirit and Truth.

Alliana S.   

When we first visited The Sanctuary, we appreciated the smiling faces and really good music accompanied by the freedom of worship. The anointing on the pastor was obvious. Pastor and Sister Bertram showed us much love, and we have really appreciated the actual fulfillment of the meaning of the name. It really is a sanctuary.

A. Smith   

A few things that keep me coming back to this church are the ministry of the Word that is preached without fear and without favor and the love of the saints for each other and for visitors.
This church truly lives up to its name. It is a Sanctuary for those who have been hurt and broken. I remember the first time I came and feeling as though I had found a refuge.

Gary S.   

I loved the fact that our church has the freedom to worship, praise, pray and sing during services. I keep coming back to the Sanctuary because the spiritual table is always spread and the feast of the Lord is going on. I want my parents to be saved.

Johnny J.   

I loved the friendliness of the people and the freedom to worship, but the thing that keeps me coming back is the unadulterated word of God!

C. Moore   

When I first got here I was very young so what got me coming back was the friends I made. One thing I love about the Sanctuary is the power of God that moves when you need a touch from God and have nowhere else to turn. It is always a blessing how the saints pray with you as well.

Anthony H.   

I love the music ministry of this church. I also love the great preaching and anointing that comes across the pulpit. This is a family-oriented church body that does not have cliques.

Wesley B.   

My first experience with this church that truly made be want to come back was a Wednesday night message that talked about how God was always with me. It gave me the revelation in my heart about how God loved me so much. How could I stay away from a place that taught me the depths of God's love?
One thing I love about church is how alive the Spirit of God feels. There is never a service where I walk in the house of God and don't feel His presence.

Raven B.   

This is the most wonderful place anywhere around. I wouldn't want to be any other place. God is here.

Charlotte A.   

I love the kindness of the people and the moves of God.

Chris D.   

I love the powerful, anointed worship. This is a place where truth is preached. This is our choice of churches when we are in the Birmingham area.

Twila D.   

After visiting one service we knew this was the city and church that God was calling us to pastor. I love the consistent move of the Spirit, the liberty to worship and the church family atmosphere.

Teri B.   

I loved the presence of God that I felt the first time I ever attended. The music is so awesome too! It if matters to you whether or not you can feel God's presence at church, then this is the place for you!

Cheryl H.   


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